Hey hey hey! My name is Valeria Dominguez, I am a crazy, fun-loving teen from Mexico. I am an art and film fanatic; in love with anything that has to do with nature, food, or people!!
I will be showing you guys my top two edits and where I got my inspiration!
Edit #1:
For this piece, I used Photoshop and silhouette portraits. The initial inspiration for this picture was to focus on the peace of mind. I experienced this on my daily walks. My walks were a part of my routine during my year abroad in Europe; they helped me to pause everything and focus on the world around me.
Edit #2:
When I was about five years old, I developed an irrational fear of the ocean after watching the movie “Jaws.” My fear was so intense that I was even afraid of going into the tub. It was a total nightmare for my parents(lol). This went on for about two years until my dad decided it was time for me to overcome this. He told me we were going to make sandcastles and tan, I believed him of course. Until he pulled out a snorkeling kit, which made me throw a tantrum in the middle of La Jolla Cove. Like any good parent, he negotiated with a seven-year-old; the deal was if I could stay ten minutes in the ocean, I would receive hot ramen (my favorite food at the time). I said, yes. Fast-forward to ten years later, and I am no longer afraid of the ocean, but I am still a ramen-lover!
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